Core Region Muscles
The Body By Jeanai Core Stability Training Program offers the cardiovascular and body sculpting benefits of boot camp while putting heavy emphasis on developing and strengthening your internal core stabilizers to effectively recruit the trunk musculature while learning to control the position of the lumbar spine during dynamic movements of combined muscles groups manipulated on an exercise ball.  It sounds complex but there are many benefits.

Core muscular and stability training is essential to achieving superior level of fitness, sports performance and injury prevention. The body's core muscles are the foundation for all other movement. The muscles of the torso stabilize the spine and provide a solid foundation for movement in the extremities.  These core muscles lie deep within the torso. They generally attach to the spine, pelvis and muscles that support the scapula. When these muscles contract, we stabilize the spine, pelvis and shoulders and create a solid base of support. We are then able to generate powerful and dynamic movements of the extremities.  Training the muscles of the core also corrects postural imbalances that can lead to injuries. The biggest benefit of core training is to develop functional fitness - that is, fitness that is essential to both fitness performance and the regular activities of daily living.

The main concepts of core strengthening programs involve using many muscles in a coordinated movement. Rather than isolating a specific joint as in most weight lifting, stability exercises focus on working the deep muscles of the entire torso at once. Exercises that develop core strength include exercises on a stability ball, work with medicine balls, wobble boards and exercises executed in Pilate's exercise programs.  Yoga is also an excellent way for athletes and exercise enthusiats to build core strength.

In the Body By Jeanai Core Stability Program we will be combining the best of all worlds.  Our focus will be not only to achieve fat burn with core cardio moves but in tandem combining weighted, functional movements that are specific to sculpting individual body parts while relying on our internal core stabilizers through both isometric and multi-muscular movements while balancing on an exercise ball and manipulating major muscle groups with dumbbells. This class will incorporate disciplines from several platforms that will include but not limited to Pilates, Yoga, Thai Chi, Plyometrics and traditional and non-traditional body sculpting techniques.

You will see great improvements in your abdominal strength, endurance and overall fitness level. Tightening and developing the abdominal wall (tummy area), quadriceps (thighs), gluteus maximus (buttocks), pectorialis (chest), latissimus dorsi (back), biceps and triceps (front and back of the arms) will be our top priority.  Your general flexibility and the muscles within your abdominal wall will increase as your waistline decreases.

Below are some popular Core region muscle exercises.
Prone Bridge
In a face down position, balance on the tips of your toes and elbows while attempting to maintain a straight line from heels to head. This exercise focuses on both the anterior and posterior muscle groups of the trunk and pelvis.

Lateral Bridge
Start on your side and press up with your right arm. Form a bridge maintaining a straight line from your hand to your foot. Rest on your elbow to increase the difficulty. This exercise focuses on the abdominal obliques and transversus abdominus.
Russian Twists
1. Start by sitting on the floor with hips and knees flexed to approximately 90 degree angles.
2. Grasp a medicine ball or small dumbbell and swing it to the right and left as you keep the hips from rotating with the shoulders. Remember to keep your head neutral and resist the urge to collapse your chin in your chest.
3.  The arms are kept low, near the thighs, as the dumbbell or medicine ball is deliberately swung to each side.